Our new Colombia tour is designed to compliment our main Colombia Andean Classic tour by focussing on the Mitu/Amazon area and the southern Colombian Amazonia areas. Both of these areas will offer us a superb set of birds with plenty more endemics and localised specialities. We will spend the first day at some sites around Bogota looking for species such as Bogota Rail, Rusty-breasted Antpitta, Apical Flycatcher, Apolinar’s Wren, Rosy Thrush-Tanager and others. The next day we will take a short flight to Mitú in Vaupés, which is one of the least developed departments in Colombia and is the best place in the Colombian Amazon for birdwatching. We will be based in Mitú where a variety of ecosystems can be found ranging from varzea and white sand forest, to rivers and primary forest. Mitú is THE place to find most of the Colombian Amazon species and where mouth-watering highlights could include the stunning Chestnut-crested and White-plumed Antbirds, Orinoco Piculet, Tawny-tufted Toucanet, Bronzy Jacamar, Purple-breasted & Pompadour Cotinga, Black Bushbird, Undulated Antshrike, Reddish-winged Bare-eye, Imeri Warbling Antbird, Azure-naped Jay and White-bellied Dacnis. There are so many birds to see here and we are sure to have an amazing time, with the ultimate prize of a ground-cuckoo a possibility! We will have 6 nights here and ample time to thoroughly explore this seldom-visited region.
The second half of our tour is based at several locations in southern Colombia beginning in San Agustin and having a thorough exploration of El Encanto Nature reserve for species such as Tolima Blossomcrown, Indigo-capped Humingbird, Ruby Topaz and Dusky-headed Brushfinch amongst others. Moving on to Drymophila Nature reserve we will look for Huila Parakeet, East Andean Antbird, Hooded Antpitta, Magdalena Tapaculo, Yellow-throated Spadebill and Red-bellied Grackle. Moving on there are more great birds such as Black Tinamou, Western Striolated-Puffbird, Black-streaked Puffbird, Short-tailed Antthrush, Blue-fronted Lancebill, Green-backed Hillstar, Chestnut-tipped Toucanet, Chestnut Woodpecker, Russet Antshrike, Gray Antbird, White-crowned Manakin and Ecuadorian Cacique. One of our favourite places is El Escondite Nature Reserve, which is home to Golden-collared Toucanet, Yellow-billed Nunbird, Orange-fronted Plushcrown, Spectacled Prickletail, Orange-eyed Flycatcher and the stunning Plum-throated Cotinga. The following day could be very special with species such as White-chinned Jacamar, Brown Nunlet, Rufous-headed Woodpecker, Slate-colored, Plumbeous, White-shouldered and the awesome Hairy-crested Antbird, Ochre-striped Antpitta, and Caqueta Seedeater all possible. Our last day in the lowlands as we drive to Cocha LAgoon form Filo de Hambre could give us Gray-chinned Hermit, Maroon-tailed Parakeet, Bronze-green Euphonia, White-rimmed Brushfinch, Yellow-throated and Blue-browed Tanager before we head up into the Andes. A nice change of scenery and higher elevation could well give us Noble Snipe, Andean Pygmy-Owl, Carunculated Caracara, White-chinned Thistletail, Chestnut-bellied Cotinga, Crowned Chat-Tyrant and Black-chested Mountain-Tanager amongst many others Everywhere we go you will be amazed at the sheer number and variety of birds present and with almost 1900 species, Colombia has the biggest birdlist of any country. This tour will fill in those gaps on your Colombia list and leave you longing to return!
Sunday 6th August - Sunday 27th August 2023
Here are just a few of the key species we will be targetting on this tour:
- White-throated Tinamou
- Grey-legged Tinamou
- Black Tinamou
- Noble Snipe
- Bogota Rail
- Huila (Maroon-tailed Parakeet)
- Tolima Dove
- Orinoco Piculet
- Tawny-tufted Toucanet
- Fiery Topaz
- Indigo-capped Hummingbird
- Tolima Blossomcrown
- Green-backed Hillstar
- Red-fan Parrot
- Bronzy Jacamar
- Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
- Amazonian Umbrellabird
- Chestnut-bellied Cotinga
- Purple-throated Cotinga
- Pompadour Cotinga
- Black-chested Fruiteater
- Black-streaked Puffbird
- Collared Puffbird
- Black Bushbird
- Hooded Antpitta
- Schwartz's Antthrush
- Barred Antthrush
- Short-tailed Antthrush
- White-plumed Antbird
- East Andean Antbird
- Chestnut-crested Antbird
- Grey-bellied Antbird
- Imeri Warbling Antbird
- Yellow-throated Antwren
- Ash-winged Antwren
- Spectacled Prickletail
- Yellow-throated Spadebill
- Cinnamon Manakin-Tyrant
- Double-banded Pygmy-Tyrant
- Orange-eyed Flatbill
- Cinnamon Neopipo
- Subtropical Doradito
- Magdalena Tapaculo
- White-rumped Sirystes
- Yellow-crested Manakin
- Red-bellied Grackle
- Azure-naped Jay
- Short-billed Chlorospingus
- Rufous-browed Conebill
- Brown-headed Greenlet
- White-bellied Dacnis
- Dusky-headed Brushfinch
- White-rimmed Brushfinch
- Blue-browed Tanager
- Green-and-gold Tanager
- Plumbeous Euphonia
Leader: Nick Bray and Jose Fernando Castano
Ground Price: £6350.00 - Bogota/Bogota
Airfare: £950.00 - £1250.00 (Approx) - UK/UK
Single supplement: £575.00
Deposit: £500.00
Group size: Minimum for tour to go ahead 4 and maximum 8.
Included in cost: Accommodation in rooms, mostly en-suite, all meals from dinner on Day 0 to breakfast on Day 21, all transportation within Colombia, 4 domestic flights, a variety of vehicles including 4x4’s, boat trips, all reserve entrance and land owners fees, bottled water and services of leaders and local guides.
Not included: International airfare, insurance, drinks, tips, and items of a personal nature.
Accommodation: Our hotels and lodges vary in quality but all are within easy reach of the areas we wish to bird and some are inside the reserves. Most of them have private bathrooms but at some lodges, electricity is only available for a few hours in the evening via generator. Hot water may not be available at some lodges, and you will find showers are set at 'tropical temperature'.
Tour Code: This is a standard birding tour with all day birding. To see a good amount of endemics and specialities you need to be prepared for full days, so we will generally start early and either have an early breakfast or return for breakfast. Lunches will be either picnic or at the lodge depending on our schedule. We can expect all types of weathers from warm and hot to cool and showery, so please be prepared for this. The elevations during the tour vary from 300m to 2600m. There will be a fair amount of walking in Mitu, along trails. This tour is at a time of year when we expect some rain showers - this is a good thing as it means we have a better chance of connecting with antswarms and their attendant species..... and hopefully a ground-cuckoo will be tagging along.