We will be based in a large private villa occupying an idyllic location surrounding by lush, tropical rainforest. With all the conveniences of a modern, fully equipped villa at our disposal we will be in a unique position to be able to explore this stunningly beautiful island as safely as possible. We have our own private pool, and our own cook to prepare wonderful, freshly prepared meals every day. This has to be a much better and safer way to embark on your first overseas birding tour following the pandemic. And what a place this is! Saint Lucia is in the Lesser Antilles and represents everything you could want from a Caribbean island, with lush rainforest, beautiful sandy beaches, great weather and a fine selection of endemic and Caribbean specialities.

But back to the birding. Our villa is in a perfect location to explore this fatastic island and with daily excursions we will target the 4 species of endemic bird, plus its 14 Lesser Antillean endemics, with species such as Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Purple-throated Carib and Lesser Antillean Bullfinch all present in the garden. The skyline is dominated by the twin peaks of Les Pitons and is St. Lucia’s most famous landmark and we will explore the forest around the base of these giants.  The hills of the Quilesse Forest Reserve, which covers thousands of acres of lush mountains and valleys, hold many of the endemic species such as St. Lucia Parrot, St. Lucia Oriole and St. Lucia Blackfinch. The nearby Des Cartiers Trail passes through rainforest, cloudforest and elfin woodland habitats where we have further opportunities to see  Saint Lucia Parrot. Other traditional birding sites include the Sulphur Springs is probably the world’s only drive-in volcano and Millet’s Rainforest Trail.  During our excursions we should easily mop up the remaining endemics: Saint Lucia Pewee and the stunning Saint Lucia Warbler. The 14 Lesser Antillean endemics can be seen at a variety of sites but we aim to find them all, along with the more widespread  Caribbean species: Ruddy Quail-Dove, Zenaida Dove, Black Swift, Lesser Antillean Swift, Green-throated Carib, Lesser Antillean Flycatcher, Caribbean Elaenia, Caribbean Martin, Grey Trembler, White-breasted Thrasher, Scaly-breasted Thrasher, Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Rufous-throated Solitaire, Bare-eyed Robin, Antillean Euphonia, Carib Grackle, Black-faced Grassquit, Lesser Antillean Saltator and Lesser Antillean Bullfinch.  We will also take a boat out to search for whales and several species of dolphin and should also see. Brown Booby, Magnificent Frigatebirds and maybe the odd tropicbird too. 

Let's go birding!

Friday 13th January - Friday 20th January


Here are just a few of the key species we will be targetting on this tour:

  • Scaly-naped Pigeon
  • Ruddy Quail-Dove
  • Zenaida Dove
  • Saint Lucia Parrot
  • Mangrove Cuckoo
  • Black Swift
  • Lesser Antillean Swift
  • Short-tailed Swift
  • Antillean Crested Hummingbird
  • Purple-throated Carib
  • Green-throated Carib
  • Lesser Antillean Flycatcher
  • Grey Kingbird
  • Black-whiskered Vireo
  • Caribbean Elaenia
  • Saint Lucia Pewee
  • Caribbean Martin
  • Grey Trembler
  • House Wren - endemic ssp
  • Tropical Mockingbird
  • White-breasted Thrasher
  • Scaly-breasted Thrasher
  • Pearly-eyed Thrasher
  • Rufous-throated Solitaire
  • Bare-eyed Robin
  • Saint Lucia Warbler
  • Antillean Euphonia
  • Saint Lucia Oriole
  • Carib Grackle 
  • Black-faced Grassquit
  • Lesser Antillean Saltator
  • Saint Lucia Black Finch
  • Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
  • One-centre holiday in private villa
pearly-eyed thrasher
Pearly-eyed Thrasher

Leaders:  Nick Bray & local guides

Ground Price:  £2550.00  - St Lucia/St Lucia

Single supplement: £450.00

Deposit: £500.00

Group size:  Maximum 8.

Included in cost:  Accommodation in a large private villa for 7 nights, all rooms en-suite, all meals from dinner on Day 1 to lunch on Day 8, picnic lunches where necessary, bottled water, choice of alcoholic drinks with evening meal, transport in minibus/SUV, all reserve entrance fees,  and services of guides.

Not included:  Airfare, insurance, and items of a personal nature. 

Accommodation:  Based in large private villa, rooms are en-suite with air-con and it's an amazing place to be based.

Tour Code:   A relaxed birding tour for all levels of ability and fitness. Leisurely walking, but some is  over moderately rough terrain. Most birding is done close to our vehicle, though we will need to walk to see some of the local specialities or explore some of the sites. Expect the weather at this time of the year to be hot. Some lunches will be taken at our house, but expect picnic lunches on most days and we'll provide cold drinks and some cake as well! The emphasis is on fun, relaxing and seeing birds! Oh and there are direct flights from London too!


All photos copyright Zoothera Birding unless otherwise stated.