Following on from our successful 2021 visit to Chihuahua where we found Eared Quetzals and Thick-billed Parrots amongst a range of exciting species such as Mexican Whip-Poor-Will, Buff-collared Nightjar, Whiskered Screech-Owl, Olive Warbler and more, we are now heading further east along the northern Mexico circuit to find more endemics. So from Chihuahua and the bird-filled Madeira canyon we will fly to Monterrey where our major targets are Tawny-collared Nightjar, Tamaulipas Pygmy Owl, Maroon-fronted Parrot, Bronze-winged Woodpecker, Blue-capped Motmot, Curve-winged Sabrewing, Altamira Yellowthroat, Tamaulipas Crow, Crimson-collared Grosbeak and Worthen's Sparrow. There's a fine supporting cast of great birds and you can view the list below. We will visit Gomez Farias, the mountains of Cumbres de Monterrey, Saltillo, the awesome Sierra Madre Oriental and other areas. It's going to be an exciting ride and if anyone wants to continue over to Baja, California for Yellow-footed Gull, Elf Owl, Baja Pygmy Owl, Common Poorwill, Gilded Flicker, Belding's Yellowthroat, Grey Thrasher, San Lucas Robin, California Gnatcatcher and Baird's Junco then it's game on! Oh and there's a mini pelagic as well. Mexico rocks!

Friday 26th May - Tuesday 6th June 2023


Here are just a few of the key species we will be targetting on this tour:

  • Thicket Tinamou
  • Aztec Rail
  • Thick-billed Parrot
  • Maroon-fronted Parrot
  • Green Parakeet
  • Northern Potoo
  • Tamaulipas Pygmy Owl
  • Whiskered Screech-Owl
  • Mexican Whip-Poor-Will
  • Buff-collared Nightjar
  • Tawny-collared Nightjar
  • Eared Quetzal
  • Curve-winged Sabrewing
  • Azure-crowned Hummingbird
  • Blue-throated Mountain-Gem
  • Lucifer Sheartail
  • Bronze-winged Woodpecker
  • Elegant Trogon
  • Mountain Trogon
  • Blue-capped Motmot
  • Blue Mockingbird
  • Mexican Chickadee
  • Bridled Titmouse
  • Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush
  • Russet Nightingale-Thrush
  • Greater Pewee
  • Tufted Flycatcher
  • Brown-backed Solitaire
  • Spot-breasted Wren
  • Altamira Yellowthroat
  • Hooded Yellowthroat
  • Colima Warbler
  • Olive Warbler
  • Crescent-chested Warbler
  • Rufous-capped Warbler
  • Golden-browed Warbler
  • Red-faced Warbler
  • Painted Redstart
  • Grey-collared Becard
  • Tamaulipas Crow
  • Worthen's Sparrow
  • Botteri's Sparrow
  • Audubon's Oriole
  • Black-vented Oriole
  • Crimson-collared Grosbeak
  • Hooded Grosbeak
  • Black-headed Siskin
  • Yellow-throated Euphonia
  • Yellow-eyed Junco
  • Rufous-capped Brushfinch
whiskered screech-owl
Whiskered Screech-Owl

Leader:  Nick Bray and local guides.

Ground Price:  £3550.00 - Chihuahua/Monterrey

Single supplement: £375.00

Deposit: £500.00

Group size: Maximum of 8.

Included in cost:  Accommoation in twi rooms en-suite, internal/domestic flight Chihuahua to Monterrey, all meals from dinner on Day 1 to breakfast on Day 12, bottled water, ground transport throughout, entrance fees to reserves, and services of leaders.

Not Included: International airfare, insurance, drinks, tips and items of a personal nature.

Accommodation:  Standard hotels close to the birding sites.

Tour Code:  This is regular tour for birders of all levels of experience. Expect dawn to dusk birding, plus a few night excursions. 

All photos copyright Nick Bray/Zoothera Birding.
