Following our successful house parties in Scotland, Isles of Scilly and Cyprus, we have booked a large 5 bedroom private house occupying an idyllic location close to the shores of Lake Eerie. From here we will drive short distances to the migration watchpoints and spend all day out in the field searching for and twitching reported migrants. All meals are included on this trip and we have our very own cook to cater for us and we'll be looking forward to dinner each evening as beer and wine are complimentary. Most days will involve a packed lunch so we can keep on birding! This will be a totally different experience to any other North American tour you've ever done, with the emphasis on great birding combined with our own unique House Party atmosphere! There's simply nothing else like it.
The northern shore of Lake Eerie is home to some of the most exciting migration watching that you will ever experience. Our specially designed tour concentrates on three of the most famous and exciting watch points in North America. However, we will begin with a visit to the spectacular Niagara Falls, just a short drive from Toronto. Afterwards we will head west towards Leamington and our perfectly located accomodation where we will spend the next 8 nights. We will undoubtedly call into Point Pelee later the same afternoon where an astonishing variety of northbound migrants can be found. We will search the trails for such delights as Grey-cheeked Thrush, Blackburnian Warbler, Scarlet Tanager and many others. From our wonderful house we will make daily excursions into Point Pelee where in the right weather conditions the falls of tired migrants can be phenomenal. We will also visit Rondeau Provincial Park and the nearby Hillman Marsh, both excellent migrant hotspots. Imagine standing on the tip of Point Pelee as wave after wave of tiny passerines literally land at your feet! With over 30 species of brightly coloured warblers to search for, as well as vireos, tanagers, flycatchers, thrushes, orioles and sparrows we literally just won’t know where to look first!
And at the end of each day we will return to our amazing house for an evening of eating, drinking and being merry - with the odd surprise thrown in for good measure!
So why not join us and let's go birding!
SUN 4th - MON 12th MAY 2024
TUES 13th - WEDS 21st MAY 2024
Here are just a few of the key species we will be targetting on this tour:
- American Bittern
- Canvasback
- Redhead
- Bufflehead
- Bald Eagle
- Virginia Rail
- Sora Rail
- Sandhill Crane
- American Woodcock
- Short-billed Dowitcher
- Wilson's Phalarope
- American Black Tern
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo
- Black-billed Cuckoo
- Eastern Screech Owl
- Whip-poor-will
- Chuck-wills-widow
- Red-headed Woodpecker
- Chimney Swift
- Cedar Waxwing
- Veery
- Wood Thrush
- Grey-cheeked Thrush
- Hermit Thrush
- Swainson's Thrush
- Cliff Swallow
- Philadelphia Vireo
- Red-eyed Vire0
- Blue-winged Warbler
- Bay-breasted Warbler
- Chestnut-sided Warbler
- Golden-winged Warbler
- Black-throated Blue Warbler
- Cerulean Warbler
- Cape May Warbler
- Blackburnian Warbler
- Wilson's Warbler
- Kirtland's Warbler (rare)
- Prairie Warbler
- Pine Warbler
- American Redstart
- Black-and-white Warbler
- Prothonotary Warbler
- Ovenbird
- Worm-eating Warbler (rare)
- Mourning Warbler
- Canada Warbler
- Hooded Warbler
- Yellow-breasted Chat
- Brown Thrasher
- Baltimore Oriole
- Grey Catbird
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Eastern Towhee
- Scarlet Tanager
- Bobolink
Leader: Nick Bray.
Ground Price: £3250.00 - Toronto/Toronto
Single supplement: £800.00
Deposit: £400.00
Group size: Minimum of 4 & maximum of 8
Included in cost: Accommodation in a private 5 bedroom house based on two persons sharing. All meals from breakfast on Day 1 to lunch on Day 9. Juices, tea & coffee with picnic lunches, snacks during the day, wine & beer with dinner. Entrance fees to National Parks and Reserves. All transportation in minibus, bottled water and services of guides.
Not included: Airfare,Insurance and items of a personal nature.
Tour Code: A reasonably relaxed birding break for all levels of ability and fitness. Leisurely walking, very occasionally over moderately rough terrain is the only physical requirement on most days. Please bear in mind we will be out in the field all day and walking trails, so be prepared for long days, although there are a couple of days when we will return to our house for lunch & a rest. Weather can be rather varied at this time of year and can feel like early Spring back in the UK/Northern Europe, but becoming warmer as the month progresses.

All photos copyright Zoothera Birding.